
Step into a life where you no longer feel alone.

This Authentic Relating one-day workshop empowers you to forge genuine connections by embracing your true self.

Date: Paused for the summer. Coming back in November


Venue: Lagos, la casa del corpo

Price: 60 - 80 €*

Registration is required, and space limited to 8 people

* I want to support you in finding a price that aligns with your needs and financial situation, so I offer a sliding scale to accommodate diverse circumstances.

Come to this one-day Authentic Relating workshop, where you'll learn that being true to yourself is the first step toward finding your tribe.

I specialize in helping people like you, who have spent too much time feeling different, disconnected, or simply not good enough.

This workshop provides a safe, supportive space for you to explore your fears, embrace your true self, and start building meaningful, loving relationships. With each session, you'll gain the confidence to show the world who you are—inviting connections that are just as authentic.

Discover how to transform loneliness into a life filled with companionship and mutual respect.

It's time to meet your tribe, learn the art of being present, and open the doors to lasting, meaningful relationships.

What is authentic relating?

Authentic relating creates a secure, thoughtful environment that fosters meaningful and joyful connections with oneself and others, grounded in play and supported by clear boundaries. It's the antidote to loneliness and addiction

You can break your conditioned relational behaviors and learn to relate to yourself and others from a deeper, more true expression of your truth by mastering authentic relating skills.

You'll be guided through exercises that will help you develop a connection with yourself and learn to be comfortable in your own skin so that you can connect with others authentically.

Simply said, this is a place where you can practice being human.

For whom is this workshop for?

  • People who have moved frequently and struggle to form deep connections due to constant change, seeking stability in relationships.

  • Those who wish to live authentically, showing their true selves, including their shadows, but fear rejection or misunderstanding from others.

  • People who have undergone significant personal growth and now find themselves at their most authentic, ready to attract like-minded connections.

  • Anyone tired of the superficial, craving the ability to differentiate between trauma responses and healthy behaviors in interactions, aiming for genuine presence and openness.

  • Those who are exhausted from the effort of self-improvement and desire to communicate their needs and embrace their imperfections without judgment.

About Silja

Silja is a certified embodiment coach and authentic relating facilitator, originally from Germany.

She loves to create spaces for people who want to challenge their conditioning and beliefs and create a new way of relating with each other.

Voices from my last events

  • I love authentic relating. This is so important for humans on earth right now.

  • Very deep energy & very connecting feeling. Flow is very smooth, allowing it to be very vulnerable. Very different level of getting deep.

  • Amazing to have the space to feel safe and feel how others see and experience life. Eye opening!

  • I had deep insights into myself

  • I really liked the opportunity to see behind the curtain of people’s minds.

  • Telling our deepest thoughts is very liberating.

  • Ich nehme mit, echte Verbindung ist so wertvoll, versuche echte Verbindungen auch im Alltag zu schaffen, es lohnt sich daran zu arbeiten. Bin froh gekommen zu sein. Danke

  • Being able to connect with other entrepreneurs and have deeper conversations and learn at a deeper level

  • This was awesome because I just learned how easy it can be to connect with people at a deeper level. I always thought this is something one would only do with close friends - hard to get through at my age. Thank you!

  • Dieses Event war eine wirklich tolle Erfahrung. Die Verbindungen gingen so viel tiefer. Auch die anderen waren sehr offen und sei war unglaublich schön ich zu sein - ohne Maske, ohne Perfektionismus und nur in diesem Moment sein und zu akzeptieren wie ich wirklich bin.

  • Die Erfahrung heute hat mir die Augen geöffnet Mensch zu sein. Mit allen Ecken und Kanten. Wir sind alle einzigartig aber irgendwie auch gleich.

  • Thank you for this experience it really made me feel close to myself and others. It’s wonderful to be listened to. Keep doing what you are doing You are making this world a better place

  • Silja is on a mission to impact others on a deeper level through connection and engaging workshops. I highly recommend joining one or at the very least having a conversation to see how she can support you. My experience with Silja was enriching and transformational and I cannot wait to engage in another one of her workshops!

    Jesse Terranova

  • Silja’s “authentic relating” events transcend the usual meet-and-greet of same-old, same-old “skimming the surface” interactions. With deft facilitation (and a certain sweetness!) she guides the group into deeper layers of interpersonal communication that creates a wonderful environment for meeting others.

    Becca Williams

  • Silja ist unglaublich wertschätzend, liebevoll und authentisch mit viel Feingespür, für das was gerade ist und gesehen werden möchte. Ich durfte Silja bei einer authentic relating Game Night erleben, Ihre Art mit den Teilnehmerinnen und mir in Verbindung zu treten und einen Raum zu schaffen, indem wir uns alle getragen fühlten und genauso sein und zeigen durften wie wir sind, ist wirklich etwas sehr Besonderes. Ich kann jede*r ans Herz legen mit Silja voller Vertrauen in Kontakt zu treten, ob für ein Coaching, für Yoga (auch wirklich großartig!) oder eben solche spannenden Sessions. Von Herzen Danke an dich für dein Sein!

    Sandra Brüning

  • Silja ist ein Profi darin, Räume zu erschaffen in denen bewusster authentischer Austausch möglich ist. Ihre Art respektvoll zu kommunizieren, sowie ihre spielerische und gleichzeitig glasklare Präsenz führen automatisch zu vielen heilvollen Erkenntnissen. Ich durfte schon an privaten Embodiment Sessions, Yogaklassen und online am Authentic Relating Circle mit Silja teilnehmen. Ich profitiere nachhaltig davon weiß ihre Arbeit und ihr Feuer sehr zu schätzen. Danke von Herzen!

    Dörte Borchers



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