
Boost Your Customer Satisfaction and Revenue with Connect!

Tailored Training Workshops for Exceptional Customer Service

Unlock your team’s full potential with Connect.

Create a supportive environment where every customer service representative excels, making your customers feel truly seen and valued. Our specialized online workshops are designed to enhance your team’s ability to understand and meet customer needs, manage emotions effectively, and de-escalate conflicts, resulting in happier customers and increased revenue.

In a competitive world where exceptional customer service is key, Connect offers targeted online workshops tailored to the unique challenges and goals of your team.

With a focus on developing crucial soft skills and enhancing team dynamics, our workshops provide practical solutions and strategies for immediate and long-term improvements in customer service.

Why Connect?

  • Customer-Centric Approach: We emphasize understanding and addressing customer needs, creating a service culture that prioritizes empathy and connection, leading to happier customers.

  • Customized Training: Our workshops are designed to meet the specific needs of your team, offering personalized exercises and discussions that resonate with your unique customer base.

  • Regulating Emotions: We teach techniques for regulating both your team’s and your customers' emotions, promoting calm and professional interactions.

  • Conflict De-escalation: Learn strategies to defuse conflicts and handle angry or upset customers with professionalism and empathy, turning potential issues into opportunities for connection.

  • Building Connection and Understanding: Our workshops focus on creating genuine connections and understanding between your team and your customers, fostering loyalty and satisfaction.

  • Sustainable Impact: Through follow-up sessions and ongoing support, we ensure the positive effects of our training are long-lasting, contributing to increased customer retention and revenue.

About Silja

Silja is a certified Embodiment Trainer and Facilitator for Authentic Relating, with extensive experience in customer service training. She understands the challenges of maintaining composure and professionalism in high-stress situations.

Silja is passionate about helping teams create environments where customers feel valued and understood, leading to stronger customer relationships and business growth.

Client Feedback

  • Silja is on a mission to impact others on a deeper level through connection and engaging workshops. I highly recommend joining one or at the very least having a conversation to see how she can support you. My experience with Silja was enriching and transformational and I cannot wait to engage in another one of her workshops!

    Jesse Terranova

  • Silja’s “authentic relating” events transcend the usual meet-and-greet of same-old, same-old “skimming the surface” interactions. With deft facilitation (and a certain sweetness!) she guides the group into deeper layers of interpersonal communication that creates a wonderful environment for meeting others.

    Becca Williams

  • Silja ist ein Profi darin, Räume zu erschaffen in denen bewusster authentischer Austausch möglich ist. Ihre Art respektvoll zu kommunizieren, sowie ihre spielerische und gleichzeitig glasklare Präsenz führen automatisch zu vielen heilvollen Erkenntnissen.

    Dörte Borchers

Ready to transform your customer service team’s dynamics and create a culture of empathy and understanding that drives customer satisfaction and revenue?

Contact us today to learn more about our workshops.